
The wind wailed through the night, like a hundred cries are being carried through… The leaves fallen from trees are blown away in wide spirals throughout the streets.
On this cold wintry night, the few people still outside by this hour are hurrying their steps hoping to find the refuge of their homes, where a warm welcoming environment is sure waiting for them.

However, one small short silhouette can be seen wandering slowly on the different streets…
A girl with a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and holding her arms around her heavy coat.
Although the air is ice cold, freezing her face, she isn’t trying to shield it or cover it by her scarf. Claire needs this fresh air to wipe away everything from her mind and her wet face…
Taking deep calming breaths, she’s looking around trying to enjoy the short moments she allowed herself to take. The trees swinging back and forth, playing with the lights of the street’s lamps. The sound of the wind uninterrupted by any artificial or human noise, it always gives her the sensation that God is talking to her through it. She closes her eyes, trying to feel His presence in the wind and get some comfort from Him…

Today was a hard day, like every other day in the past three years, despite the fact that for a while now the fights, shouts and cries have decreased. But life didn’t return to normal at all… She feels it’s more like a play, where everyone seeing they’re not alone switch on their happy faces to continue on playing their role like it used to be… A play where each single person is trying to act like everything is just fine and going great.
She plays that role too…. but sometimes she just can’t do it anymore… like today…

Feeling the memories beginning to flow through her mind with images of what was before and what should be now.. She opens her eyes to stop them, she knows they won’t help. Looking around, contemplating at the sky with the moon shining & the few stars, appearing from the street lights, twinkling, she begins to hum a familiar and soothing tune to herself…

After a few minutes she begins to relax and just enjoy her surroundings… The nature always succeeds to restore her strength and hopes. For it makes her feel that she is small in a huge & beautiful world. A world with so many wonders and mysteries in every corner, that maybe one day she’ll have a chance to explore more, to see the wonders and have an adventure…

So with renovated hope from her short escapade, she starts to go back towards home sure that she’ll be able to face another day…